Take it to Heart!

Did you know about 2,200 Americans die each day from cardiovascular (heart and  blood vessels) diseases?  That’s about one every 40 seconds.  Shockingly, cardiovascular diseases claim more lives than all forms of cancer combined.  February is American Heart Month, and is an excellent time to teach your family and friends that heart disease can often be prevented by making healthy choices and properly managing their existing health conditions.

Colorado Black Health Collaborative

The Colorado Black Health Collaborative (CBHC)  works hard to promote healthy living through the F.L.O.W  (Form a Lifetime of Wellness) and #shoyoflow campaigns by helping to educate people about the health issues that impact our community; increasing access to physical activity opportunities in the community; AND helping prevent chronic disease, risk factors, and reduce health disparities, through clinical and community linkages.  As part of these efforts, the CBHC is proudly participating in American Heart Month. We are taking this opportunity to raise awareness about heart disease and increase knowledge about prevention.  We are speaking at various locations around town and screening people at barbershops and salons (www.coloradoblackhealth.org/barbershop-salon-program/).

Healthy Living Steps

Sharing this information is important because about 80% of cardiovascular disease can be prevented by taking control and following everyday healthy living steps that include:

  • not smoking
  • physical activity
  • good nutrition
  • maintaining healthy weight
  • controlling blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose levels

We hope you take these tips to heart!

For more information about CBHC’s campaigns and to stay on top of all the heart healthy news, visit our website at www.coloradoblackhealth.org, and follow Colorado Black Health Collaborative on Facebook.


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Tracy Gilford: