Smart Summer Tips


The summer months are high energy months and are full of lots of fun activities.

Even as summer heightens, some action prevention items are worth sharing to help us remember what we may already know.  Or at least try them, if we did not know.  Implementing these things will be useful.

  • Skin Protection: This includes your eyes, hands, feet, face, and not just your body.  Wear light clothing and wide brim hats.  Endeavor to have a sunscreen of at least SPF 30+.  Getting a sunscreen isn’t enough, you should ensure the ingredients in your sunscreen are safe.  To learn more about sunscreen, check out Why (Most) Sunscreen is Harmfulhy and EWG’s Guide to Sunscreens.


  • Eye Protection: Use 100% UV protected sunglasses, even if you have UV-blocking contact lenses. Remember the kids too; they also need their eyes protected.  Choose sunglasses with wraparound styles so that the sun’s rays can’t enter from the side.  Again, wear wide brim hats as well to protect your face.


  • Beware of Heat Stroke: Signs of heat stroke include confusion, not sweating, and nausea.  People who are more likely to suffer heat strokes include infants and pets left in the car, elderly, athletes and outdoor workers.  Heat stroke is a medical  Call 911 if you suspect someone around you is having a heat stroke.


  • Rehydrate: Drink lots of water.  Eat juicy fruits.  Make sure you have a water bottle when you are outdoors in the sun.  Cut down on alcohol and caffeine as it can be dehydrating.

  • Swim Safety: Never leave kids swimming unattended, and ensure they wear life jackets or any approved floatation device.  It is advised not to drink alcohol before swimming and while swimming. Do not eat or chew while swimming as it can lead to choking.  The rules posted by the pool are for our protection, please make sure to read and obey them.


  • Outdoor Activities: This is a great time to get physical activity for free and free gym memberships by taking advantage of the good weather.  Lots of groups organize during the summer for hiking, camping, running and other outdoor feats, creating opportunities to buddy up.  Avoid being outdoors when it is hottest and plan outdoor activities during the coolest time of the day, if possible.

  • Pet Safety: Our pets need to be protected during the summer months as well.  Pets are more likely to get lost during the summer and also be susceptible to heat stroke.  Make to sure to do most of your dog walking in the cool of the day.


  • Save Money: With all the trips and cost of blasting air conditioners, there are a few ways to save money during the summer, which include air drying your clothes; closing curtains/window blinds to keep the room cool; downsize and do a yard sale; rent/borrow heavy equipment instead of buying it; cut cable and gym memberships; there is a lot to do outside. Take cool showers. Take advantage of free activities in your neighborhoods like concerts.


Dr. Tolu Oyewumi is a people developer, divergent thinker and voracious reader who is madly in love with learning. With her strong scientific and artistic talent, she invites you to look at the world through a different set of binoculars and microscopes.


Tracy Gilford: