NATIONAL DONOR DAY – February 14, 2018

Observed annually on February 14th, National Donor Day aims to raise awareness of the lifesaving benefits of organ, eye and tissue donation while reminding us of the importance of discussing the topic with loved ones.

In our community, there are nearly 2,500 people on the waiting list to receive a lifesaving organ transplant, and thousands more could benefit from lifesaving and healing eye and tissue donations. Of those waiting for an organ transplant, more than 240 are African Americans.

Set aside some time this National Donor Day to have a heartfelt discussion about organ, eye and tissue donation with your family and loved ones. Sharing your decision to be a donor is one of the most important conversations you can have with loved ones. Registering as an organ, eye and tissue donor means you have made the decision to donate your organs and tissues at the time of your death. Your decision to be a donor ultimately takes priority over your family’s preferences. Sharing your decision with your family will make it easier for them during a very difficult time.

Start the conversation with your family now. Don’t wait! They’ll be glad you did.

To learn more about organ, eye and tissue donation and how to register as a donor please visit DonateLifeColorado.org.

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Tracy Gilford: