Chronically Dehydrated?

Yeah! You probably thought, “Nope!  Not me, I drink fluids a lot!”  “I am always drinking something.” What do you mean by fluids?  Coffee?  Juice?  Soda? Water?  Perhaps tea?  Water is the main fluid that hydrates you and puts a brake on cascading events that lead to chronic illness.  Our body fluid isn’t made up of coffee, juice, or soda; therefore it is deprived of what it truly needs to function optimally when we don’t hydrate with water.  DRINK WATER!

More than 50% of our body weight is made up of water?  Up to 78% in new-born babies, 55% in women (we have more fat cells than men), and 60% in men.  This shows how crucial it is to drink water. Do you drink at least 50% of your body weight in water?  That might sound like a lot, but it is recommended that we drink at least 8 cups of water a day, which is 64 oz.  Not too much, yet it is difficult for most – that includes me.  Water is very essential for purification of the body system. If you are on a weight loss journey, you need to drink more water.  Drink about one liter daily to help your body detoxify and flush impurities.  DRINK WATER!

Since our body is composed of a majority water, it means a majority of our bodily function depends largely on it; digestion, respiration, our blood flow, hormones, waste removal, our skin (the largest organ in the body).  Seeing this is so true, let’s be kind to our body by drinking water regularly, especially at this altitude in Denver of 5,280 ft. or more above sea level.  Sometimes when we feel hungry, it is actually a signal your brain is sending to you to drink water. Try drinking a cup or 2 of water and wait a while. You might actually see the hunger pang disappear. DRINK WATER!

A lot of people simply forget to drink water.  Or, drink water only when they eat and as such need regular reminders to drink.  This was my case as well.  I used a water drinking App to form my water drinking habit.  I found the App helpful as a reminder to drink water.  The App I used is called “Waterin,” which is available for free at the Apple App Store.  It alerts you by making the most interesting noise of water being poured into a cup.  I was just trying to be modest, it actually sounds like someone peeing in the toilet, which makes you want to attend to it immediately.  DRINK WATER!

You can set a goal of water drinking.  For example, drink 8 cups of water between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. daily.  It then automatically divides that number over 12 hours and reminds you every 1.5 hrs. till you achieve your goal.  It is really helpful in forming a habit of drinking water regularly.  Depending on the type of phone (Android or Apple) you use, you can find some free water Apps.  A few I found are Idrated, Water Logged, Drinking Water, Aqua Alert, Oasis Water.  Try them.  DRINK WATER!

It sounds so simple and basic, yet so difficult to do.  This is not new information.  I am sure we all know drinking water is good, yet we don’t do it enough.  It really helps with weight loss as it keeps you fuller for longer.  You help your bodily cells easily eliminate waste and keep blood pressure low.  A dehydrated body means thicker blood which has limited blood flow, thereby increasing blood pressure. We don’t want that right?  DRINK WATER!

You will be urinating a lot so be sure to know where a restroom is wherever you go.  You will thank me for that heads-up later.  Your body will thank you for it as well. Your skin will be relaxed and not shriveled.  If you find it hard you use an App, you can get an accountability partner- someone with the same goal or doing better than you are in this area so you can help each other in reaching your goal(s).  DRINK WATER! DRINK!!


Dr. Tolu Oyewumi is a Primary Care Physician and Public Health Professional.  She is also a John Maxwell Certified Coach, Speaker, Teacher and Trainer who is passionate about helping people get unstuck.


Tracy Gilford: