Partnering with CBHC

The Colorado Black Health Collaborative (CBHC) is a non-profit organization committed to improving health and wellness in Colorado’s Black, African, and African American Communities through collaborations, partnerships, and teaming arrangements with community-based organizations, non-profits, public organizations, private entities, government agencies, and community members.

The mission of the CBHC is to achieve health equity in Colorado’s Black community. Our overall collaborative goal is to establish and develop alliances through membership and partnerships to execute CBHC’s mission.  We seek to develop and enhance relationships with community partners that have complementary goals; that can provide opportunities to expand activities that are mutually beneficial for CBHC and our partners; and ultimately benefit the Black Community.  CBHC recognizes that collaboration presents opportunities for mutual benefits and results beyond the scope of any single organization or sector.


CBHC endeavors to safeguard the integrity of its partnering organizations’ projects by discouraging replication of activities and projects, and encouraging cooperation and sharing to enhance efficiency and effectiveness when duplicate services inadvertently occur and/or become apparent.

CBHC has adopted the motto, “Help me and let me help you”.  We want to formalize a partnership with you and /or your organization to develop a strategic alliance to achieve health equity for all Coloradoans.

CBHC is evolving and we see a vast range of relationships between organizations and members.  To this end, listed below are the benefits of a partnership.


Partnership Benefits

  • Access to organizations and individuals engaged in providing resources and service delivery at varying levels in Black Communities (i.e. African, African-American, Caribbean).
  • Enhanced communication and networking opportunities among organizations with interests, activities, and projects in target communities through efficient information gathering and dissemination.
  • Efficient information exchange among collaborating organizations.
  • Opportunities to build relationships and form alliances with your organization that will promote your vision, mission and goals.
  • To generate and enhance business opportunities.
  • Enhance your organization’s visibility and strengthen its image.
  • An arena for developing and testing products, services, and innovations.
  • Increase public awareness of issues/causes.
  • Participate in the strategic vision and planning for CBHC.
  • Identify partners to collaborate with on grant opportunities.
  • Identify participants for completion of surveys and assessments pertinent to the health of the community.
  • Promote information sharing and education that is culturally specific through forums and workshops, and can be shared with your respective constituents (i.e. group/agency and stakeholders).
  • Obtain professional enhancement and personal growth by acquiring skills and developing responsive leaders.
  • Capitalize on student volunteer opportunities.
  • Inclusion in the CBHC Health Resource Directory.

Partnership Requirements

Currently, there are no dues required to be a CBHC Partner.  The following criteria must be met to become a CBHC Partner and to continue as an active partner.

  • Complete an application.
  • Attend at least 2 General Meetings/Forums, Committee Meetings, or Special Events per year.
  • The following lists alternatives that can be used to fulfill CBHC Partnership requirements:
    • Help write a collaborative grant.
    • Participate in grant implementation efforts.
    • Provide a financial donation or donation of necessary equipment
    • Assist with member recruitment.
    • Use agency tools and resources to develop innovative processes.
    • Develop innovative processes.
    • Implement process activities for CBHC through facilitation, presentation, and/or donation of special skills.


Future Strategic Vision

  • Generate revenues /receive grant funding from CBHC
  • CBHC Provide support (human resource, materials) for member events.
  • Facilitate partnership work efforts, sharing expertise and intellectual property as applicable.
Completion and submission of Partnership documentation constitutes official partnership with the CBHC. You will receive a Certificate of Partnership. Your official partnership is effective as long as CBHC remains an entity or you choose to withdraw your partnership.

Apply to Become a Partner